Atlanta and Mississippi


Picking up the console. This then was us
for the next few weeks, cruising around the deep
south in a Monster SUV with a console in the back.

So, I've seen some pretty 'schmick' studios in
my time. But, nothing, ever, quite like this joint.
D.A.R.P Studios in Altanta.

And then it was - head south. Down to Jackson, Mississipi. Down Highway 61. The Mississippi Delta. Listing to BB King and Muddy Waters on my player and looking out at the cotton fields. Jeezus. Amazing. This is where it all came from.



Yep, it's pretty poor.

Endless cotton fields. And yep - there's
still sharecroppers. They live in places like this.



And yes, on our way back - we stopped in
Memphis and had to get the compulsory
tourist photo outside Graceland.

next gallery - Weekend in Memphis!

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