Proposal for Dirty Slut in Newcastle
Weekend of 4th October 2002

Forward (you bet):
This document has been prepared with very little time and as such only outlines, in very broad strokes, some of the ideas for Dirty Slut in Newcastle. A number of key crew-members have yet to have any input into this concept so this should all be seen as very much a preliminary document. Varying details of the performance itself have still to be discussed with the promoters, so with that in mind...

To present in a number of different formats and environments an unexpected left field dive into bent sexuality, free expression of contempt for social mores and a set of grinding, irreverent, distorted booty house. To confront people on their ideas of gender, sex roles and the images of power in sex.

Envisaged events:
It is critical to raise the ‘brand awareness’ of the Dirty Slut act both before and through-out the conference. This is an issue that will be tackled by the promotion/design team of Georgina Frye and Sumugen Sivanesan. It is envisaged using the existing Bug records infrastructure and content ‘images, mpegs, Vinyl giveaways etc..) to aid in this.

2SER should be approached for some features and shows should be primed to give certain information away as the date approaches. If time permits, a ‘teaser’ campaign of promos may even be produced and then distribtued to Dj’s to play during their shows. Other Radio stations?
Can we cajole anything out of (into) 3D world at all that doesn’t just look like shit and is it worth trying?
Once in Newcastle there should hopefully be enough momentum and ‘word’ around to make any Slut appearance blow up into something.... interesting.

This is not a money making venture and it is expected to cost Dan a certain amount of money, but this is not at issue here. Any moneys available from the promoters in order to offset the not inconsiderable cost of staging this would be great. I envisage we go in begged/borrowed cars, sleeping bulked up in cheap hotels etc… I know how to do a lot with a little, but a little always helps.

The Dirty Slut crew will travel down to Newcastle on Friday morning. One car has already been sourced, another may become necessary or some crew may arrange their own transport.
A hotel room for 6 people has been booked for the weekend, Friday and Saturday nights. This hotel is directly next door to the Honeysuckle Warehouse and is envisaged will be used as the staging post for various actions and the gig itself. Dirty Girl outfits will be similar to the ones used at Space 3 but will (unfortunately) require new ‘Dirty’ T-shirts to be made.
A rehearsal space for the Dirty Dance Routines must be sourced and rehearsals scheduled.
A choreographer must be sourced for the Dirty Girl Dance routines.

Dirty Slut:
Dan 9 123 4567

Dirty Girls:
Katie --
Jasmine 0402 123 456
Michaela 0407 123 456
Karen 0416 123 456
Alex Not confirmed
Niki Not confirmed

Sumu 0412 123 456
Georgina 9 123 4567

In order to offer some hope of the people involved in this project having a future political career, this data is confidential and for your eyes only. Please do not disclose any personal data of other people involved in this project, or indeed details of the project itself, to the outside world. It’s more fun if it’s not expected....