Date: Thu, Dec 30, 1999, 10:13 PM
Lot 9, Newes Road, Coorabell
Byron Bay, N.S.W,
Greetings All,
Once again, and for the first time in almost a year I find myself in the
beautiful North Coast of New South Wales my favourite spot on this planet
- In the hills up around Byron Bay.
I am sitting in a little room right next to an open veranda crickets
chirping, balmy evening breeze and the hubbub of voices from down the hall.
The house is alive tonight. Many people - travellers and friends, old and
new, from all over the world, are gathering and the air is alive with
excitement for tomorrow night. The gennies are up and running, two of the
three sound systems are up, the teepees have arrived and most major
logistics are more or less sorted in the field five minutes walk down the
hill from here.
Its at times like these;
times of reflection and release,
times of celebration and joy
that I think of all the beautiful people in my life.
I feel it is the end of something. And regardless of
nit-picking, I think most people feel that there is some sort of transition, some
sort of mile-stone in the wind. And with this in mind I write this.
Here are my hopes.
For my friends to remain my family.
For my family to remain my loving friends.
For all - the gift of clear sight and pure intent.
A more peaceful future for humanity.
A future for the Planet.
A Planet for the future.
May you all be guided by the sweet songs which pervade our universe and fill
my heart with joy.