Invitation - we all worked hours on this - take a CLOSE look...

Invite Text and Theme

So, the long awaited cocktail party with the new crew: Aggie, James, Sumu, Karoline and Dan celebrated the 'Good Ship Presbytery' and our love of cocktails, wakky outfits and bachanalian delights - in high style.

This party featured a 1.8 meter high smoking volcano, an entry portal with eerie teleport sounds and clothes hanging from the roof through which guests entered, surf sounds gently washing over the balcony. Stuart from FBi (Fat Planet) Dj'ing, Sumu creating this intense voodoo-jungle-rhythms-boggaboo vibe with his set, me doing the usual crowd pleasing bent-latino-bhangra-electroclash-pop set. Pete Kelly making people do odd things in return for drinks at the bar, lots of whakky outfits and scenes of total moral lascitude playing themselves out in the bedrooms and dark corners. Sumu in full 'Jungle King' mode. Karoline with the most disturbing outfit I think I've ever seen and poor old Aggie sick as a dog...

Oh, and a Pinata which induced a William Golding-like primal, sacrificial frenzy. Oh and a Hula Hoop duel. Oh and a magic show and then my mate Michael roving the crowd blowing peoples minds with card tricks and spooky magic thingos. Oh and girls in amazing outfits. And boys. And drinks. Did I mention drinks? And several hours of solid and intense dancefloor action. Ahhh...

One of the best ever so far. So much so that there were very few photos taken. James did shoot off about 20 shots of which the best are below. Anyone else get any? Let me know.