Sydney Summer 2007 

Page 1 - Jamming Google Project 

O.K So the story goes like this. At some point in January - it was announced that Google would be updating their 'Google maps' thingo with some nice high-resoultion images of Sydney - to be generated by a special low flying plane - and, for the first time ever, it was announced where and when the plane was going to be. In fact Google even put up a webpage where you could drag a cursor and be told at what time to expect the flyover. This came along with the extortion to 'get together with your family, make a sign, look upwards and wave'.


The idea being, of course, that whatever was going on right at the moment the plane made it's snap would be immortalised into the Google Maps application, and then be accessible to anyone in the world as they perused Sydney.

The date Google picked for this foolhardy lark, was, the 26th of January, which, depending on which way you look at it is either Australia's national Holiday and a fine exuse to get pissed with your mates on a glorious sunny day and wave the Australian flag, or 'Invasion day', ie: the commemoration of a rather darker side of things since this is the anniversary of the day when it all suddenly went bad for the original inhabitants of this great southern land (but still a good excuse to get pissed with your mates - but let's not wave that particular flag around).

So, as is Australia, it is a day of torn and contradictory feelings and emotions. Yep - what an awesome place she is - but bloody hell some people got fucked over in the process though.

Which brings us to the point of all this. A few friends and I decided this was the perfect opportunity to do a little 'culture jamming' - and getting our own little message across, quietly, hopefully sneaking under the radar, whilst those around us are going frothy at the mouth in an orgy of jingoistic, flagwaving, nationalistic fervour.

Here's some pics of the process.


Pez's concept for the layout of the Sign

Christian and I experimenting with projecting letter
images onto a surface for cutting out - we later
abandoned this approach...


Pez and Clare turn up with the Fabric -
d'ya think we've got enough? Godblessem!

And the first letter takes shape


Bownie, Clare and Pez...

In the Presbytery parking lot - look!  Even
had dropshadow!

We finished up creation of the letters by about 2:00am. Folded them neatly into five large piles of white, and got some sleep before the big day!

Jan 26th dawns bright and beautiful!


First to arrive - stake out the area, right in front of
Old Govt. House in the middle of the Domain and - bake
in the sun of a glorious summer day

One or two people slowly start turning up, then
Suddenly Lach comes running up: 'They've changed the
times - it's 5 minutes - we've got 5 minutes!!


The next 40 minutes was high adrenalin as we rushed to get the letters unfurled and secured to the grass (with a zillion tent pegs) in time.


Then suddenly it was more or less in place...

And then, of course, the inevitable 'allo, allo allo
- what's going on 'ere then?'


Cop and Ranger negiotiations - desperately trying
to buy more time, the wind is now picking
up and threatening to blow everything away.

One ranger is patiently walking around pulling out
all our pegs as we lie on the letters
to stop them blowing away - Lach is checking
in with a friend monitoring the Google
site to see if the plane is overhead yet...


Is it done yet?  Threats of fines and arrest...

And from a distance...

Finally we thought we had achieved what we intended and had the letters visible for the time Google specified they would be overhead
so we aquiesced to the Rangers, rolled up our sign and retreated to the shade of a nearby tree (did I mention it was HOT?!!).

And Woohoo!!!!!  We did it!

(cue ominous music) We think...

So the epilogue to this particular story is disappointing.  Google completely messed up - they couldn't get permission to fly over the areas they wanted at the times they wanted, and as a result, all our work was for nix.  

In fact, if you look, using Google maps, very carefully at the tree under which we were sheltering from the Sun, you can just see a tiny little fringe of white stuff - yep - that's the folded up letters - so that would have been whilst we were drinking champagne and relaxing after the mission.  And about the time the last photo above was taken - see the white material in the back to the left - yep that's what you can see on Google Maps.


Artists Impression of what it might
have looked like

And the only thing actually visible...

Which is a shame - on the other hand - man we had fun doing this!  Ah well - next time...

Click here to go to the Google Map page of the area we were in and and zoom in - can you find the tree we we're under?

Here's some articles on the event, many of which are pretty critical of Google's handling on this - they sure didn't make any friends in Sydney that day!

  SMH article -

Blog Entry with the actual flyover areas -

Some more cool pics -

For those of you (like my overseas relatives) who are completely mystified by the significance of the word 'sorry' - here's a few websites about the Aboriginal issues facing our country and the process of reconciliation so many Australians want to be getting on with - whilst our rotten slimy little toad of a Prime Minister blithely refuses to apologise for any past offences by the government.  In view of some of atrocious acts carried out by the Australian govt in the past - it's pretty sickening.  

So this was just our little way of, in a joyous and fun manner, raising this issue again.


Like I said - here's some websites:
The offical website of the National Sorry Day committee -

The Wikipedia entry on the concept of 'Sorry Day' -


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