European trip, late 2006

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Was in Europe again for work in September/October 2006. A few weeks in London Plus 'abstecher' to Switerzerland, Germany and France (twice). Also included a weekend in Wales with Donal, a weekend in Ireland with my American Dad and hald brother and sister, and then later a weeks holiday, where I met up with my Oz Dad in Geneva and then went and hiked up a mountain in the French Alps. Lots of work and pretty intense trips - but stayed in and saw some amazing places. Lyon is Lovely - London is it's usual perplexing gruelling fascination and Switzerland was georgeous.

Below are more or less unordered photos from this trip.




Public little gardens - nice.




Oxford Circus


'Tube' infrastructure - hardcore!


grey/shit brown city


serious rail!




On my way to switzerland
A whole carriage for BIKES!!!




And out around the lake...


towards Pidoux




Then up into the hills...


For fondue! With Claude
head of Merging technologies
and his family!


And at night...

The view from my hotel room, overlooking the lake. Unbelievably pretty.

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