Dad and Dan climb Montagne de la Conte page 2 - getting serious now!


So Sentier is the french word for 'path'.
Dread this sign!
And they weren't kidding, later on the path
became slippery, sometimes almost invisible
and of course utterly terrifying, not to mention
F****king dangerous when a foot to your left
is a 140 meter sheer, rocky drop!

You take my point? And yes
- there is a completely sheer drop to your left.


But on the other hand - the views.
My god!
nb: not photoshopped!

Just drinking it in!


Love this photo.

Top of the world ma! Top of the world!


And eventually, we got to a point where
the path got close to glacier and then
skidded down the slope to touch the beast istelf.

Man - amazing!

Now that's some serious ice!

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