'Inna London'


quiet contemplation in the grounds of St Pauls,
an island of tranquility in an otherwise
relentlessly hectic city

the front of St Pauls


I just love the long curved facades of some
of thelondon street scapes.

Compulsory tourist photo 01 - Me and Big Ben


More of those big curved thingos - see what
I mean? Neat huh?

Dan and Robert take on Soho.


Where does art stop and fashion start?
Buggered if I know... here's a chance to look
like a right wanker... heh heh...

Laura and the gang at TEA...


Hyde Park

The Classical battling modernity.


Some bloody arch thingo. Kind of impressive actually

And yeah - compulsory tourist photo
no 2. In front of Buckingham Palace.

next gallery - dinner with the Conways

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